Vinyasa in its original meaning from the early Tantras is understood as the ‘sequence of consciousness,’ or how life unfolds from…the creative pulse of ...
“In Gentle Vinyasa classes, you’ll be guided through postures in a Vinyasa style, with a focus on more basic poses, but allowing for more challenging poses based ...
Traditionally in our classes we practice asana, the yoga postures, and pranayama, breathing or rather breath control. But these two disciplines form part ...
Ahimsa is the fundamental and most basic principle of living as a good human. Do not cause pain or injury to another. And this ...
Satyam also goes deeper than the surface meaning of truthfulness. Just because we speak the truth does not mean we are ...
Asteya is not as simple as refraining from stealing a possession that belongs to someone else. We steal much from others without ...
Frequently translated as celibacy, the meaning of brahmacharya is much more comprehensive. From a religious point it means one ...
Aparigraha literally means “non-hoarding.” It means don’t take more than you need – in any area of life. Mahatma Gandhi said it best...
Saucha means “cleanliness and purity. Saucha does not simply stop at bathing each day, but also pertains to a deeper level of ...
In life, the tragedy is that no matter what we have, we always want more. We are rarely if ever satisfied. As intent, Santosha is doing one's best and ...